Handelsblatt GmbH
Toulouser Allee 27
40211 Duesseldorf

Commercial Register at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf, HRB 38183
UID: DE812813090

Phone: +49 (0)211 - 887-0
Fax: +49 (0)211 - 887-2980
Email: handelsblatt@vhb.de

Management Board:
Andrea Wasmuth

Conception and Organisation:

Euroforum Deutschland GmbH
Toulouser Allee 27
40211 Duesseldorf 

Postfach 11 12 34 
40512 Duesseldorf 

Commercial Register at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf, HRB 81764
E.USt.Nr.: DE260 960 293
Phone.: + 49 (0)211 - 887-0 (Zentrale) 
Fax: + 49 (0)211 - 887 43-4000 (Zentrale) 
Email: info@euroforum.com

Management Board: Andrea Wasmuth

Image proof of own photos:
All pictures are copyright protected. Storage, publication or usage in printed or digital form requires written approval of the rights owner Euroforum Deutschland GmbH. The following fotographers were involved in our conferences: Wolfgang Borrs, Bert Bostelmann, Dietmar Guist, Marc-André and Stefanie Hergenröder, Thorsten Jochim, Sebastian Muth, Willi Nothers, Bernd Roselieb, Andreas Schoelzel, Marc Steffen Unger, Uta Wagner.

Picture credits fotolia